Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Glimpses of Asteroid-2019

(Earth bound)

[A Vision and a Reality]

As our scientists probe the heavens, it has been quietly discovered, an asteroid is in the direct path of earth, and the asteroid will hit earth awkwardly on its surface, and will bring a momentarily quiet, like an atomic explosion four-thousand times that of Hiroshima. This insurgent will cause a panic worldwide. Even the late Carl Sagan, had forecasted something along these lines for future-times. But I wish to share with you, as I have done in the pass, my vision on this asteroid bound for earth, and its reality.
In my vision, I saw white beaches turn black; gray stone structures, buildings and bridges cast into waterways; shipping canals, cities and towns along the coast tossed into the sea, curling against rocky headlands, bluffs, and cliffs; Midwestern towns and fields, trains and fishing boats, factories belching smoke. Cargo laying dormant all about, in every direction—in an uncountable number of cities, looking against the sand and scorched waters, as sea creatures float, bloated dying if not dead, such as the whale, as they approach the beach to die. Smokestacks silenced. There will be few if any, rich, flat, dark-green fields to look at, but the few I saw were spotted; even the rice marshes and the mountain chains all tossed upside down as if someone had them all in the palm of their hands and turned it them about. And the earth rattled like a ramshackle bus.
There was no celebrating of victory over this irregular enemy. Nor will the soldier be walking abreast, arms linked, singing, shouting, holding hands, taking their wild celebrations, as in past wars. No more pleasure boats with couples packed, jammed, standing in lines like the old days of fiestas, than of war, or peace. It will be a time of little for the living, food, meat especially, it will be rationed, I saw all this, and butcher shops being closed, no lines formed outside, because they were empty inside. The sky was dark through miles of orange, heavy and strong dust, and winds, no weddings, little sleep, people walking through the dust, watching the heavens for lights…

(In 1984, I saw all this in one of my sixty visions, somewhat recorded in the book, “The Last Trumpet…” This asteroid was zooming through two great bodies in space, possible Earth’s moon, and Earth itself; as a result causing friction on earth, a movement in earth’s crust, causing the poles to move. And so for the most part, I have to agree with Mr. Sagan, but I must add something to this picture. I do not believe it will be total destruction as he would have forecast, and I believe he firmly trusted would prevail. Let me go on with my description, and vision)

At the front of all this, a noise came as a heavy grunt (sorry but it is the best I can conjure up for the sound); and there was a great and gray wisp of smoke to mark the insurgent position and first impact, thereafter came the high inrushing, and ripping sounds, where many cities and their streets and homes within these cities, full of people, came head and body first, in front of these flying stones and debris, came with a sudden flash as if the world, its global electronic system crashed like granite-dust, a roaring crash, echoing like a chain of jets shelling from one side of my ear to the other, and it killed old women returning home from the markets, heaping these people like cloths high into the air, only to drift like kites, and drop into small huddles back on earth, in black heaps everywhere, and everybody looked detached from one another that remained standing, living, walking, many had been whirling against walls and houses.

Such cities as Washington D.C., New York City, the coast of Florida, San Francisco, Paris, the whole of Egypt, among other locations all under duress…people, all kinds of people in squares, laying dead like old and torn bundles of clothing, nothing but dust and rubble, fragments. Motor cars that were in motion on streets had stopped suddenly, others swerved and drivers staggered out to find safety elsewhere. Many women, with their scalps hanging down over their eyes that had been walking down the sidewalks window-shopping; old men with their hands against their faces, blood dripping down and over their chins.
The tallest buildings were bombarded with wreckage, as if being shelled; landmarks likewise.
When it was over, I closed my eyes to rest, then went back for observations as if to see what the new world looked like, and it looked like a ruined house, only a few minutes away on all sides of me by foot. I could if I dare, pinpoint it in the Bible: perhaps Revelation, chapter 6, would be the biblical equivalent to the scientific Sagan concept, or close to it.

I believe this asteroid will be available for watching, with the naked eye, between 2016 and 2019. I will probably be long gone, I’m 61, years old now, and although these years are not far-off, I am not in the best of health. But fear not, I never saw that it ended the world, as Sagan would place it under his scientific data—I think he stretched it a bit far. Yes even behind the crumbly dug trenches in Florida that I saw, and men lying paralyzed, and the ammonic red rain, this dark blue spot in the heavens will not disappear so simply. Even below the sunken roads I saw flames, burning yellow, black oily smoke rising, explosion after explosion, tanks in motion, tanks passing through Washington D.C., machine guns and rifle fire in Florida, when I stopped to turn around seeing many foot soldiers, it all passed, as if waiting on the world for tomorrow’s action.

Notes: Written sometime in 2005, and rejected by publishers because of its negative and dooms day reality. The contents of this article have been proven to be highly possible. Rewritten July 7, 2006 (from a vision), second revision September, 2006, third revision September 2009.


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