Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hell Bound

((A Brief and Belief) (a point of view))

Who’s going to Hell? That shouldn’t be a hard question, but nowadays it seems to be. My mother once said, “Everyone thinks they’re going to heaven, what gives them such an impression?” surely not the Bible, maybe their imaginations. This is of course an opinion, but I think this is a new way of thinking. I can’t imagine any other generation, in any other time period thinking quite like this.
We are a twisted pile of burnt up wood trying to carve our own heaven on earth, thinking however we interpret God’s word, that he will honor it on the day of our death, thus we print out a license to do as we please, and live the life of the victim to him, as we stretch out our sins to infinity—right up to the morgue. Never knowing we are dead on arrival.
So who is Hell bound? I want to just hastily cover a few names, I could be wrong in these names, but according to the highways they’ve taken in life, it curbs right into Hell. Hell is the final cemetery, not earth. Let me also point out, those not headed for Hell, could be headed for Heaven, or Paradise, there is a difference. There are other statistics on where death can lead a soul, as it has been expressed in unsacred scriptures, there are 72-deaths (but not 72-Hells). But we will deal wryly with one, Hell, the infamous infernal!
One of the biggest things is for man to face reality, not live in a state of pretense, or denial, trying to be a strategist, and talk himself out of Hell while doing what he loves to do in the name of self-interest.
God at present, in this new age, is politely ignored by man, intent on meeting Him on his earthy platform—even when God gives man all the warnings in the world, he still remains unprepared, blindly refusing to face the encroaching danger of Hell.
If you are saying “Who is he to question if we are Hell Bound, or not!” This is really not a question; you know that, it is really a paranoid statement. But I shall answer it.
Today I was laying in bed, and this title “Hell Bound!” Lit up in my head, I know this is something less than hot news, but nonetheless, it lit up, and perhaps God was reminding me there was going on at this very moment, a nuclear incineration for the mass’ of souls on earth, those dying, heading for Hell. I don’t know. The Bible stresses Hell is where the enemy wants to put you; I’m not thinking of death, but Hell, a debilitating life—eternal after death. So this is my reason for writing this brief.

Now you’re going to get mad because I’m going to give you a dose of reality, what you really already know, but desire not to be truthful. First of all, where do you think Michael Jackson, the famous singer went? When I watched all those celebrities on television when he died, they made it out to be as if he was on the right hand side of Jesus Christ Himself (or headed that way). As if he was singing his way through the pearly gates. Let’s get down to earth; Mr. Jackson might have been the King of Pop Rock or whatever, but he was not the creator and author of life and death, and Hell. One needs only watch his videos, or listen to his lyrics, and look at his lifestyle—to tell he’s Hell Bound. And although I like Elvis as an entertainer, he’s most likely in the same category (along with half of Hollywood—if often amazes me these actors and actress can lay in bed naked and then think nothing of it, call it creative acting, and think God looks the other way, it is repulsive to think so). They have an edge on earth, not in the afterlife.
These new attitudes people have adopted in the face of reality, is simply another way of living in sin with victory, angels and demons know this.

Power, how much power can we have without being morbid? This is vitally important to everyone. Power and self-interest can conquer the soul; put it in Hell (we need people in high place with power under control, not out of control). I would guess, the Vatican, Washington D.C., and the Kremlin, to mention few, are such places where the ugliness of power and self-interest swims in its own romanticized traditions, and were there is less communing with God, than there should be, and where Satan Himself, gets a good selection of cross-cultural souls Hell-bound! (Many of them from the United Nations, I’m sure.)
Our new society—American and European societies, have this new found secularization, where once it was Christianization; where faith in Jesus Christ is not really given one shilling of thought. We have in this new 21st Century, a new preoccupation—everyone goes to heaven, there is no unpardonable sin—even our new President Obama feels this way, that what was cherished in traditional Christianity, is now questionable, he is for abortion, he is for war, he is for whatever everyone else is for—that being, the non Christian communities—where do you think he’s going?
We never talk about such things, why? Perhaps it is too painful for all of us. How unfortunate, perhaps we must be like children to understand the hope in heaven and eternal life.
If you are looking at death, and looking homeward, and thinking it is Heaven, not Hell, if you are thinking what eternal family you are going to live with, literally look at the Glory of Jesus Christ. Look at the reality of Satan; he also is ignored, discarded as a myth.
I imagine, and believe many of the Muslims will also have a rude awakening, I’m sure Saddam Hussein, and his war hungry, terrorist mind is now facing that. As will be Bin Laden and his massive following; he, likened to the gay community (who have come out with the new theory: ‘God made me like this’) and whoever else chooses to deny this reality, will face the alternative—hell (along with the many Christian Cults and their leaders, of the day, to include: the Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses to mention a few).

Hell is not a popular subject nowadays, and the more education one gets the quicker it fades into oblivion. On the other hand, heaven is more popular, not sure why folks are more confident in Heaven, and not in Hell (they kind of go together, in that there is a good and a bad, a right and wrong, a God and a Devil), but I would guess they have more interest in Heaven because it appears to be more promising (here comes that self-interest again).
But let me leave you with this, Jesus spoke of Hell, saying “…darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8.12). In 1983, I had a vision of this. I cannot find the strongest of words to describe that vision, it was just a horror.
If God is a just God, then sin must be punished, it is as simple as that.

No: 545 (12-8-2009)


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