Friday, August 03, 2007

End Notes to the "Soldiers of Nirut," series


End Notes to the “Soldiers of Nirut,” Series

So ends the tales of Nirut or its series that started with, “The Soldiers of Nirut and ends with, “The Runaway Comet,” and the last of the Lihmoirions and the stories of the Black Galaxy, which includes Marduk the evil one and his dealings with the whole lot. Hell’s lot also, and the few characters from Atlantis, Ais being one. In this series many characters from other stories came into the picture. Unhappy was the lot of Nirut, mingled with Terb of SSARG, malice plagued the planet of Toso (most of these being of the Cadaverous Planets). In all ways, evil sought most to cast a dim light on things, but one must judge the times. For many hated many, and those how did not smile or hate, where perhaps trying simply to survive in the feared atmosphere of the times; the Lion King of Lihmoir, turned his back on many. And Nirut and his father the Blue King conquered much, for example, the planets of: SSARG, Toso, Moiromma, Ice-cap (Asteroid-moon), Lihterb and many more places, except earth, and the moon called Retina. Somehow it seems it sister moon got spared, that of course is where the Great Siren spent much of her time, and he did not want to disturb the status quo, or perhaps out of respect, for we all have heroes, and she was his hero, as the Lion King’s hero was Nirut. Nor did he waste his time trying to conjure the Gray Planet, I don’t think he felt it was worth his effort (you know, the planet that Siren got killed on, and the Jawbone people—some of them, ended up on the runaway comet); Life seems to go in circles if we follow them. The Quiet Mound on planet SSARG was the battlefield for the main battle of all these happenings, and Yahoo, ended up being the new king of Planet Lihterb (Nirut’s home planet), and a new era came about. Semyas of course ended up on the runaway comet, the last of the stories (an era Rue and the Think Tank, with the Cobbler kind of ushered in, of course by the approval of God Almighty, how else could it be). What more can I say, it was quite an adventure, if you followed it from its beginnings. Until we meet again, on our next voyage.


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